Friday, September 26, 2008

Sprint ahead!

So my new plan is to run every morning as fast as I can for as long as I want! It feels great to get my body going and I'm not stressing about running more than I want to! So this is day one. We'll see how long it lasts.

Up until my last trip to Costco, I was going to dress Grady up like a ventriloquist dummy for Halloween. But we found a very cute bumble be costume and Grady just loved it! (I was actually routing for the lady bug costume but Chris is very sensitive to Grady looking like a girl) By the time we got to the register the right antennae was completely soaked in baby nectar. I just could not wait for Halloween to try it on! Grady loved it so much he cried the whole time I was taking pictures.

Our little bumble bee!

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