Thursday, September 25, 2008

No more TV for me!

So, after yesterday's post, I decided that I was not going to watch any more TV while Chris was at work. I have to say, I am pretty impressed by myself. I made it all the way to 1:30. (What am I supposed to do while I eat? Stare at the walls?) We'll see how far I make it today but the withdrawals are killing me! So yesterday I did a lot of wandering around, picking random things up... putting them down. Oh! and I started writing a book, but after committing a couple of sentences to paper Grady started crying which was a major relief because writing a book is really hard and I'm pretty sure that if I kept at it much longer my brain would explode. (hardest part so far.. picking names! I'm sure once I'm over that hump the rest of the story will just naturally flow).

So I took my forth pregnancy test today and I am definitely not pregnant. What's wrong with these tests! I feel pregnant! If you look at me you could pretty much assume that I'm seven months along. And, I swear, I even smell pregnant. But, I figure, four test can't lie. So, I have come to terms that my lady parts are have nothing in them but spider webs. Ooh, speaking of spiders, can you think to the creepiest thing that can happen while you are on the toilet? How about a huge spider coming out of the sink next to you whilst you have you're pants around your ankles! eek! I have to shake it off just thinking about it! Let me tell you from experience, It's unsettling. I tried to drown the sucker and watched it's body curl up into a ball when the water hit him. He promptly went down the drain. I had a sigh of relief but, my relief was premature! There he came crawling out of the sink once more! I sent him down the drain again and let the water run for a good five minutes this time. He has yet to emerge again. I hope he's dead!

Grady pondering all life's problems

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Hey Meg. Thanks for the comment on my blog. I totally hope he looks like you. :-)

I was just telling Ryan the other day that I have a thing about killing bugs while I'm naked (shower, toilet, whatever).

When we were at your parents' house, I kept showering with daddy-long-legs. It was horrible, because I couldn't ever get up the guts to kill him, though he was so close. What is it about animals running around while we are naked anyway?

Maybe we just spend too much time being naked... hmmm