Monday, September 29, 2008

Grady the Dominator!

So my morning sprint lasted exactly one day. No surprise there. But it's a new week and maybe I'll pick it up again. The plans have been set in motion for a Birthday party for Grady! I can hardly believe that he is actually going to be one year old! We will be having the party on Saturday and all are invited, but please RSVP! I need to know how much cake to make! Mom and Dad have tentatively agreed to come, so I hope that works out! Carole and David will definitely be there since the party is at their house and they will have no where to hide. Also excitingly, Lindsay and Aaron are planning on moving here this week so they should be there too! And I don't think that I've asked them yet, but it's generally assumed that the Bateman's will be there. (Laurie, if you're reading this, I formally invite you and your family to Grady's birthday party on Saturday the forth). How fun to have such a full house. And if having a birthday party isn't enough to convince the rest of you to come, Issaquah is having its annual Salmon Days Festival... mmmm... come one come all (and buy an over priced home made nick nack)!

In other exciting news, Chris and I Decided to teach ourselves how to play Dominos. Yes, we were that desperate for entertainment. After trying to decipher the cryptic instructions we had to go to the internet were we found a lovely video tutorial. We got in one game before Grady woke up and that was pretty much the end of Dominos!

At least Grady will put the Dominos to good use!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Sprint ahead!

So my new plan is to run every morning as fast as I can for as long as I want! It feels great to get my body going and I'm not stressing about running more than I want to! So this is day one. We'll see how long it lasts.

Up until my last trip to Costco, I was going to dress Grady up like a ventriloquist dummy for Halloween. But we found a very cute bumble be costume and Grady just loved it! (I was actually routing for the lady bug costume but Chris is very sensitive to Grady looking like a girl) By the time we got to the register the right antennae was completely soaked in baby nectar. I just could not wait for Halloween to try it on! Grady loved it so much he cried the whole time I was taking pictures.

Our little bumble bee!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

No more TV for me!

So, after yesterday's post, I decided that I was not going to watch any more TV while Chris was at work. I have to say, I am pretty impressed by myself. I made it all the way to 1:30. (What am I supposed to do while I eat? Stare at the walls?) We'll see how far I make it today but the withdrawals are killing me! So yesterday I did a lot of wandering around, picking random things up... putting them down. Oh! and I started writing a book, but after committing a couple of sentences to paper Grady started crying which was a major relief because writing a book is really hard and I'm pretty sure that if I kept at it much longer my brain would explode. (hardest part so far.. picking names! I'm sure once I'm over that hump the rest of the story will just naturally flow).

So I took my forth pregnancy test today and I am definitely not pregnant. What's wrong with these tests! I feel pregnant! If you look at me you could pretty much assume that I'm seven months along. And, I swear, I even smell pregnant. But, I figure, four test can't lie. So, I have come to terms that my lady parts are have nothing in them but spider webs. Ooh, speaking of spiders, can you think to the creepiest thing that can happen while you are on the toilet? How about a huge spider coming out of the sink next to you whilst you have you're pants around your ankles! eek! I have to shake it off just thinking about it! Let me tell you from experience, It's unsettling. I tried to drown the sucker and watched it's body curl up into a ball when the water hit him. He promptly went down the drain. I had a sigh of relief but, my relief was premature! There he came crawling out of the sink once more! I sent him down the drain again and let the water run for a good five minutes this time. He has yet to emerge again. I hope he's dead!

Grady pondering all life's problems

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Okay, Okay Em, I have a blog. Now, are you happy?

After much encouragement I have finally decided to start a blog. As, if it isn't hard enough to think about things to say about my life in regular conversation, I have now committed to write about them. So, don't be surprised if my blog goes something like this:

9:30 rolled out of bed (only because of crying baby)

10:00 finished third hour of the "Today" show and gearing up for hour number four

11:00 ooh Brad Pitt's on Ellen!

12:00 gotta have my E! entertainment news

1:00 there's never anything on at one but I'll sit here and watch the food network

1:30 Did Grady wake up from his nap already?

2:30 I suppose I should eat something... hmm, Bag of chocolate chips?

4:00 can't miss Dr. Oz on Oprah

4:35 oh crap! gotta clean something before Chris get's home!

4:40 I'll get up after the next commercial brake

5:20 Hey honey! sorry the house is a mess.... I just wasn't feeling good...

6:00 Watched TV with Chris (finally fall is here for the new shows!)

11:00 Went to bed and dreamed about how exciting tomorrow will be! maybe I'll mix it up and go shopping!... or not.. I think Oprah's doing her favorite things show tomorrow....zzzzzzzzz

So right about now (if you've made it this far into my blog) you're probably really glad I decided to start a blog. I'm sure you'll be really excited to check it everyday. I'll keep you updated on the lasted news about Britney Spears, maybe share something I learned from Rachel Ray. And if you have a rash, I'm sure Dr. Oz has covered it so I'm ready to diagnose!

My view for most of the day