Monday, November 17, 2008

The Boise blues

So recently my mom and I joined the 3rd annual Boise Holiday House boutique... in Boise. We only gave ourselves two weeks notice so our days were filled morning to night in crafts and sewing... (I crafted.. mom sewed) I made necklaces out of clay that, at first, I was quite proud of. But let me let you in on a little secret... if you make a hundred of anything you will undoubtedly be sick of them in the end. the one thing that kept me going was the dreams of other crafts I would fund with the profits I would surely make. I didn't want to sound braggy so I mostly told people that I would be happy to simply make back the money I spent and I was only doing it for the fun of it, blah blah blan... But in my heart, I had already bought myself a new Bernina sewing machine and a small jewerly kiln. Then I had to make a display! (this ended up being more costly then the necklaces themselves) My theory was that the display was what would attrack the moths (costumers) to the flame (necklace bounty). I figured the more shiney stuff and lights the better so that you could literally feel the heat of the bulbs like a welcoming camp fire. (I could have marketed my sign as a space heater). After days and nights, nights and days... and the other time in between, my mom and I finally had to drop what we were frantically trying to finish and make the trip to Boise. The first day of the boutique was a little slow for us. not a lot of merchandise was moved... correction.. none merchandise.... none. Emily encouraged us saying that the first day was always slow and surely the next day we would have more luck. That night the kiln was scratched off of my wish list. the next day went much like the day before.. except there were three more hours of rejection. and in the end I won't mention the profits except to say that they ended some where in the negatives. I did however convince some of the other ladies working the boutique to feel sad enough for me to trade with me. I'm sure their necklaces will end up somewhere in the bottom corner of a childs toy box. ... or in the trash. But I made out like a bandit! and got great stuff in exchange for blood sweat and/or tears. My mom, as it turned out, was equally successful!

On a lighter note I have begun taken orders for clay necklaces. So get your order in fast as these babies have a tendency to fly off the shelf! and stay tuned for next years boutique where I hope to spend more hundreds of dollars all in the persuit of driving myself insane.

p.s. you will notice that there are no pictures on this blog as I forgot to bring my camera. This may have turned out to be God's tender mercy as I will not be needing to hold on to and cherish this memory.


Lindsey said...

Oh Meg! I was so sad to hear about how the Boutique went last weekend. I just can't believe no one bought anything! I am so sorry. I definitely would like to see some pics of your necklaces, so post them as soon as you take some, okay? Sorry for the bad luck.

Brent and Stephanie said...

megan freaking allred.
ok, so in case you are completely freaked out, this is stephanie (lubniewski) kozlowski.
ryan george was asking about you a bit ago and i had to shamefully admit that i had no clue as to your whereabouts. but then he emailed you (you know that part already) and he told me about your blog. and i had to come over and say hello and that i miss you and your little boy is adorable and that he and my daughter mary are very close in age (ok, sorry, run on...)
i'm just excited to "see" you again. so anyway, you should definitely email me bc i don't now how often you check that old byu one.